Our Story
Moo-Cow Designs all started in 2018 as I was working as an Registered Nurse in the field. I was shopping for my tiny blonde headed baby girl and of course wanted a monogram on EVERYTHING! After convincing my husband to buy an embroidery machine, I began monogramming for friends and family and began a side business.
We needed a name! I wanted to make it official and struggled with the perfect name for weeks. Every time I would start to write down a few ideas, my daughter (Jonah Reese) would start saying "Mommy moo-cows". My dad had recently retired and purchased a heard of cattle that she was clearly obsessed with.... which made me think--maybe "Moo-Cow" Is just the perfect fit. There in our living room with an almost 2yr old little girl my dream was born and Moo-Cow Designs began to form. Fast forward almost 6 years later and it has become so much more than those tiny dreams I had that day to just pay off my embroidery machine! I'm so grateful to get to share designs with all of our wonderful customers and live out a tangible picture of hard work and determination that my children can see and hopefully inherit!
Welcome to Moo-Cow Designs! We are so glad you are here!
xoxo, Kellie